• Get more informations about our donation system!

    • "You cant buy happiness with money
    • but can help others to pursuit hapiness with it."
    • Blaise Pascal

    We are counting on you

    • A donation can cause much. Every amount goes directly to our partners and projects. We overlook the process of our projects in Nigeria and Cameroon multiple times annually to secure that your donations benefit the people.

    Your donation goes to the people

    • All of our members are working voluntarily on the projects. So you can be sure, that your donations will be used for fulfill our goals and projects.

    Donate now!

    • Donate comfortable and quick by betterplace or transfer your amount directly to us on our donation-account.

      Our bank account data

    • Naigahelp Spendenkonto


      Account Number:

    • sort code: 680 900 00

      Bank: Volksbank Freiburg

      Subject: Private Donation

      (your name/e-Mail)

      ...or via Betterplace

    • Donate now at betterplace.org!

    You are a medical doctor?

    • You close your medical office? We can help you to send your used device to te clinics in Nigeria and Cameroon which are in need. We carry regularly updated lists, in which clinics are listed, which might just need your device. Just send us an email and we organize transportation and delivery of the equipment to Africa.

      Your donations provide for a major contribution to our relief work. Thank you!

    Some devices, which we would need in Africa

    • Antiseptics for the General Hospital in Gembu, Nigeria

    • Roentgen equipment for the St. Joan of Arc Medical Centre in Molyko, Buea Cameroon

    • Patient beds for the „Urban Integrated Health Centre“ in Limbe, Cameroon

    • A ultrasonic device for the „Mount Mary Hospital“ in Buea, Cameroon